Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What in the Heck is #FBLT?

What in the Heck is #FBLT?

When we began our work in social media in February 2011, we really had no idea where it would take us. We knew we needed to get on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, but we didn't know how that kind of advertising would help out an industrial electronic repair facility like ours.

Now, a few months later, we have come a long, long way! Just a little while after we joined the twittersphere, we met another account, @toyotaequipment, or Kyle, who was very gracious and thankful, and was, I believe, the first to retweet anything we said. Once we began following Kyle's example, we were off to the races! After @ToyotaEquipment, came @Carol_Stephen @Therm_All @RigginsConst @sundt and @AZDuraWrap.

Soon, after meeting these Tweeps, I learned ALL about #FBLT.

What is #FBLT, you ask? It has become quite the popular networking tool for businesses who want to connect to other businesses either in their industry, or for supplies, or any number of reasons. #FBLT stands for Facebook Liking Tuesday and it is the brainchild of @Sundt's account manager, Wendy.

After I realized how fun it was to join in #FBLT and how helpful I could be to the "cause", I decided to start tweeting all about it. Every tuesday that came, I was right there with the "Fab Four", as I call them now, @Sundt @RigginsConst @Therm_All and @AZDuraWrap, promoting #FBLT and other facebook links and liking tons of companies on Facebook. Before I knew it, I was one of those leaders of the "#FBLT movement" with my #FBLT lists of companies to like on facebook, and with the help of @RigginsConst, I started #FBLTtips for those that are just joining in and learning how to participate in these big Tuesday Tweeting events.

It has not only helped our facebook page get more recognition, but it has helped us gain more followers on twitter as well

As more and more businesses find out about #FBLT and the #FBLT lists, the bigger it gets. @ETPlastics even created a #FBLT facebook fan page!

So, if you're just learning about #FBLT, or maybe you've been seeing it pop up in your twitter feed, here are some of the #FBLTtips you can use to start participating in #FBLT and connect with other great companies, across the globe:

  1. #FBLTtip  : Facebook Liking Tuesday is all about sharing Facebook links! When shouting out a new friend include their facebook link 4 others!
  2. #FBLTtip : follow the #FBLT hashtag to see #FBLT links, by searching for #FBLT or: http://bit.ly/f9l4mV & http://bit.ly/eW5dfL
  3. #FBLTtip : Add your facebook link to your twitter profile so It will be easy to find! & your twitter to your facebook!

Of course, if you want to see more #FBLTtips or to learn more about #FBLT you need to jump onto Twitter and follow us @CombotronicsInc or check out one of the "Fab Four"! Its a great way to connect, and its a free tool in your bag of tricks, so why not?

Combotronics is an Industrial Electronics Repair facility. If you need electronic repair, re-manufacturing, or rebuilding, call us at 1-800-331-5941, or email us at tech@combotronicsinc.com.

Find us on Twitter (@CombotronicsInc) and Facebook http://www.facebook.com/Combotronics



  1. Great article! And thanks so much for the shoutout! We're happy to be a part of #FBLT! - @etplastics

  2. I am grateful for all of you who share this knowledge and trials and tribulations. Thank You.

  3. Thank you all for the feedback! I'm glad to help out with #FBLT and its brought lots of great connections!

  4. What a wonderful post. Thank you so much for the kind words. I am so glad to have met all of you. Sure, I may have originally thought of #FBLT, but it never would have gone beyond that thought without all of you! So, so glad to be part of such a fantastic community. :)

  5. You're so welcome, Wendy/MrsPickle :)
