Monday, May 23, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Just a word about the meaning of Memorial Day.

It was such a victory to learn about the take down of Osama Bin Laden. Al Qaida no longer has the leadership of a man who thinks the murder of innocent people is the right thing to do. We were very lucky that we did not lose any of our fine military people in this one operation for the fight against terrorism. We have lost not only the innocent people of 9/11, but also military personnel in this war. Memorial Day is the best way for us to honor not only those in the military who have lost their lives in this war, but also in all other wars and conflicts that the USA has been involved in. 

Freedom comes at a very high price.

There are many who have given their lives so that we, the American people, can live. So, to all those who have paid the ultimate price, I, for one, will toast to them, kiss a family member, hug a friend and remember to be grateful to them for giving me the freedom to do so. I will be sure that my children know what the day is all about. I will raise the flag to half mast until noon and then all the way to the top for the rest of the day as I celebrate my family’s freedom which has been kept safe by our brave military, some of whom have given their very lives so that I can.

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