Monday, April 25, 2011

We All Make Mistakes - 5 Tips to Help You with Social Media

"We all make mistakes!"


As a company, Combotronics decided we were going to jump into this thing called "social media". We knew that there was potential there for some interaction with other businesses and potential clients, but like most everyone else, we didn't really know what we needed to do.

At first, we were doing great, 800-something followers on Twitter and a great Facebook page. But something went wrong (long story) and we had to start over.

Unfortunately, that "something" left us with nothing: No passwords. No profiles. No access to any of our social media efforts.

In starting over, we learned to make sure to keep a list of all the websites we have profiles on. On that list we keep all of the usernames and passwords and security question type information. That's tip #1. Of course, this information is not shared with just anyone, and its kept in a safe place.

#2, we learned after the fact, but it is important. Make sure your social media for the company is NOT linked to an employee's personal account. You may never get into that account again, or worse, it may be misused.

Should you really only have ONE person administrating your accounts?

#3 - Even if only one person is updating all of your accounts, make sure there is more than one "admin" to a profile. Many (if not all) social media networks will allow you to add more than one admin to the profile. Add a CEO or owner of the company as your "permanent" admin, so in case someone gets a promotion, you can remove them, and add someone else, without the risk of losing the whole profile.

#4 - People (and you are trying to connect with people) really don't want to keep reading about your products and services minute after minute, day after day. Keep these kinds of posts somewhat limited. It is important to include them once-in-a-while, but don't let that be 99% of your content. If people get bored with you, they won't want to keep up with your updates. This is especially true of potential customers.

#5 - This is similar to #4, but post industry related information. Find out what news is going on that is related to your business, and make sure to share it among your peers. The more relevant information is, the more people will want to follow along with you and read what you have to say.

So, let's recap -

  1. Keep a list of all the Websites you keep a company profile on, as well as usernames, passwords, and security information about those accounts (you may use separate lists if you like).
  2. Do not allow an employee who is managing your social media accounts to link them to his/her personal email, Facebook, etc. account.
  3. Create more than one "Admin" for each account. Try to use a "permanent" figure of the company.
  4. Mix up your updates and the content you post about. Don't advertise yourself or your company all of the time.
  5. Share information and news about your industry.

Nothing can be accomplished without a little Trial and Error.

We learned these lessons by trial-and-error. Being a small company, we didn't have much to go on in the form of guidance, but we've managed to build our following up, and keep accounts well managed thanks to these tips.

What are some of the things you have learned through your own Trial-and-Error? Do you have any tips of you own, for those out there who are just starting to "dig in" to social media?

Combotronics is an Industrial Electronics Repair facility. If you need electronic repair, re-manufacturing, or rebuilding, call us at 1-800-331-5941, or email us at

Find us on Twitter (@CombotronicsInc) and Facebook!

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